MRCS Part B Question Bank Launch

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We are delighted to announce the launch of our MRCS Part B Question Bank.

The Question bank is designed to help you prepare for the MRCS Part B OSCE examination together with improving your surgical knowledge.

We realise that it can be difficult knowing where to start when preparing for the MRCS Part B OSCE and the exam itself is stressful.

Our bank of over 2000 unique questions has been carefully prepared based on commonly tested themes and help you to highlight gaps in your knowledge together with providing evidence-based summaries of key conditions.

The question bank features cadaveric anatomy spot tests and probing questions on essential clinical anatomy as might appear in the MRCS Part B.

The question bank is not a list of past questions but rather a specially designed, interactive resource that facilitates learning and helps to test your existing knowledge prior to the MRCS exam.

Features Include:
Interactive Questions
Dashboard navigation area
Access on mobile, tablet and home computer
Over 2000 questions covering anatomy, critical care, communication, pathology, physiology and examination
Questions based on previous MRCS
Insider tips and mark schemes to help you maximise marks
Check out the Sample Questions now
Moderated comments provide expanded explanations and support

Even more questions will be added to the question bank between now and the 2015 examination dates all with comprehensive evidence-based explanations.
To gain access head over to the 
Question Bank Now
Still not sure? Check out some 
sample questions.
Remember to keep checking our 
News and Blogs page to help you prepare for interviews.

Access is for individual, personal use only. Copying and distribution of questions is strictly prohibited by copyright law.
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