MRCS Knowledge: Oesophageal Carcinoma
13/09/14 18:13 Filed in: MRCS Knowledge
MRCS Part B Knowledge: Oesophageal Carcinoma

Today’s MRCS Knowledge short notes are on oesophageal carcinoma.
Squamous cell carcinoma: upper 2/3 oesophagus
Adenocarcinoma: lower 1/3 oesophagus (Barrett’s oesophagus associated)
- Achalasia
- Barrett’s oesophagus: pre-malignant condition secondary to chronic GORD causing squamous to columnar metaplasia in lower oesophagus. Serial OGDs assess progression of dysplasia
- Diet high in nitrosamines
- Excess alcohol
- Smoking
- Ingestion caustic substances
- Plummer-Vinson syndrome
- Howell-Evans syndrome: autosomal dominant condition causing hyperkeratosis of palms and oesophageal malignancy
Signs and Symptoms
- Worsening dysphagia
- Solids then liquids
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath
- Haematemesis
- Odynophagia
OGD: visualisation and biopsy for classification and grade
CT Chest, abdo, pelvis: staging by TNM
Surgery: curative oesophagectomy + chemotherapy
Palliative: stent, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
Only 1/3 appropriate for surgery at presentation
Local spread: recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, Horner’s syndrome, SVC obstruction
5-year survival: 5%
Further Info:
For further info and commonly asked questions on oesophageal carcinoma be sure to sign up to the Question Bank.