MRCS Part B Question V2.0 Launched
28/06/15 22:33 Filed in: MRCS Part B Question Bank
MRCS Part B Questions V2.0 Launched

We are delighted to announce the launch of Version 2.0 of MRCS Part B Questions. The team have been working hard over the last 3-months on both the interface and content of the question bank to ensure that users experience realistic MRCS Part B scenarios from the comfort of their tablet or home computer.
Below you will find highlights of the new features together with an update on what is coming soon over the summer.
Newest Features

Unique Interactive Station Navigator
Our new station and question navigator (shown above) allows you to quickly jump between both stations and questions. A smaller version of the navigator can be seen on our MRCS Part B sample questions page.
Question Tracker
The new station tracker is entirely user-controlled meaning that you are truly in charge of your revision. When you feel that you have mastered a station simply mark the station as completed and out tracker system keeps note so that you can spot which stations you still need to practise from the dashboard.
145 Station Summaries
All stations now have summary sections covering the key aspects of the station and reviewing the most important aspects. The summary slides can be jumped to directly from the station navigator if you want to quickly check facts.
Interactive HD Anatomy Spot Tests
Together with our popular static HD anatomy spots you can now test your anatomy knowledge using 10 interactive HD spot tests. All spot tests feature HD cadaveric images and comprehensive information on each structure identified. Be sure to check out the Heart Spot Test on our homepage.
Expanded Images, Videos and Explanations
Not only has the number of stations been expanded and adjusted to the level of the current MRCS Part B examination but the explanations that accompany each question answer has been overhauled to feature both text, image and video illustrations where appropriate to maximise the learning potential.
Coming Soon
Even though version 2.0 has only just launched our team already have a few features that we are very excited about in the pipeline.
Throughout July and August our team will be working at improving website speed, expanding the number of stations and questions further and are already working on a number of tools to help you with your MRCS Part B Revision.
Stay tuned throughout the summer and in the lead up to the next MRCS Part B digest for all the latest MRCS Part B news, features and resources.
Revising for the MRCS Part B? Head over and Register Now.
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