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Orthopaedic Skills And Examination
Elbow Examination
Introduce and look around for any aids. Remove top and expose both upper limbs. Ask about pain.
Inspect the elbow joint from front, side and behind for:
Active then Passive, assess better side first.
Ask patient to put arms behind their head.
Flexion (0-150°): Upper arm by side move forearm up (pain at medial epicondyle on flexion=golfer’s elbow)
Extension(0-180°): Upper arm by side move forearm down (pain at lateral epicondyle on extension=tennis elbow)
Pronation (0-90°): Elbows tucked in at sides turn palms to the floor.
Supination (0-90°): Elbows tucked in at sides turn palms to the sky.
Inspect the elbow joint from front, side and behind for:
- Skin: Scars, skin changes, rheumatoid nodules, psoriatic plaques, swelling
- Muscle: Wasting
- Bone & Joint: Malalignment of bones, deformities (Varus – supracondylar fracture. Valgus – non-union of lateral condylar fracture.)
- Skin: Temperature, nodules, swelling (soft due to olecranon bursitis, hard due to bony deformity, boggy swelling suggests synovial inflammation e.g. RA),
- Joint: Palpate joint margin, localised tenderness (medial epicondyle=golfers' elbow, lateral epicondyle=tennis elbow)
Active then Passive, assess better side first.
Ask patient to put arms behind their head.
Flexion (0-150°): Upper arm by side move forearm up (pain at medial epicondyle on flexion=golfer’s elbow)
Extension(0-180°): Upper arm by side move forearm down (pain at lateral epicondyle on extension=tennis elbow)
Pronation (0-90°): Elbows tucked in at sides turn palms to the floor.
Supination (0-90°): Elbows tucked in at sides turn palms to the sky.
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